& Payments

Important Notice: Membership is only valid when payments are received.
Non-payment pauses your membership and excludes you from sharing in any prizes that are won that month.
No more than one reminder email will be sent if payment has not been received on time. Reminder emails will not normally be sent as I will just presume you are not wanting to join for that month. Membership will be paused after 3 non-payments and cancelled after 12 months.

You are advised to read the rules carefully before joining. Contact me if you have any questions.
Please remember that the rules may be changed at any time. Most rule changes are only minor and have little effect on members. Changes will only be published on this website and not via social media or any other communication methods.

Joining Requirements

Open to anyone 18+ and preferably living in the UK, for ease of administration.
Complete the form, using the link below, to apply for membership.

You will need your Bank Sort Code and Account Number when completing the form.
This information is required for Prize Payments as they will be sent by Bank Transfer.
Membership payments may still be made by any other approved payment methods.

You will need to supply your full name, postal address, email address and mobile number on the registration form.

Pay £4.33, £5, £8.67, £10, £13, £15, £20 or £25 each month

Pay by Standing Order

You can pay by Standing Order (recommended) or Bank Transfer.

Pay no later than 23rd of each month. Allowances will be made for weekends and bank holidays.

My Bank Details will be provided after you have submitted the Membership Form. Please contact me if you have missed this information and I'll send a link to the web page.

You may pause payments, change the amount or cancel at any time directly with your bank.

If you pause payments please contact me. You will not normally be sent reminders for missing payments, as I will just presume that you do not wish to join for that month.

Debit Card

Payment can be made via Starling using a Debit Card.

Pay no later than 23rd of each month. Allowances will be made for weekends and bank holidays.

A link will be provided after you have submitted the Membership Form.
Follow the link and complete the form.

You will need to use the link each month, as there is no option for recurring payments.


Unfortunately due to complications caused by high charges I am unable to offer this payment option.
I was being charged approx 50p for each £5 paid, which you would lose as I cannot afford to cover such costs.

Important Dates

1st to 23rd - PAYMENTS
    Make Payment by Standing Order, Bank Transfer or Debit Card.
    Allowances will be made for Bank Holidays and Weekends.
    You may change the amount you pay at any time, without notice.

23rd to 30th - ENTRIES
    Draw entries will be confirmed for the following month

29th to 3rd - WINNINGS
    Prizes will be paid into your bank account by Bank Transfer
    Winnings will be paid out Monthly by default. You can request that this is changed to Half Yearly (January & July), or when funds exceed £10/£25/£50. Large wins may be paid out early if you select Half Yearly. (min payout £1.00 - lower amounts will be carried over to the next month).

    Details may be published a day or two earlier

General Information

Tickets are bought, online, as group tickets and not individual tickets for each member. Prizes are added automatically, without the need for manual checking.

Draw Booster: A small percentage of prizes may be used to buy additional Lottery tickets in the next draw.

There are no admin deductions from payments.
Prize funds include all cash prizes and are paid out during the first week of the month, as long as they exceed £0.99. Payment are usually made by the 3rd, subject to work and holidays

UK National Lottery Operator History

25th May 1994 - Launched by Camelot Group PLC
5th Jul 2010 - renamed Camelot Group Ltd
8th Jul 2010 - bought by Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, Canada
5th Aug 2010 - renamed Camelot UK Lotteries Ltd
5th Feb 2023 - bought by Allwyn Entertainment Ltd, Switzerland
1st Feb 2024 - Operated by Allwyn Entertainment Ltd
31st Jan 2034 - operator licence due for renewal
(see Gaming Commission website for updates)


The Benico Enterprises UK Lottery Syndicate is a private syndicate operated by Roy Benham (My Legal Name) aka Beth Nicole Gordon (my preferred public name) and has no links with any other organisation.

Data Protection & Cookies

In accordance with Data Protection no personal information will be forwarded to any other person or organisation. The information will be used only to confirm identity and make prize payments.
Cookies are only used for site visit statistics.

How I contact you

Email (Facebook) & Text (WhatsApp):
Registration and Large Wins.
Late payment reminders will not be sent. Non-payment will just be considered as no membership for that month.
Confirmation of initial payment, if requested.
Changes to Membership Bank Details.
Phone Calls & Post: Will not be used for contact

The Office Connection -
UK Lottery Syndicate by Benico Enterprises
© Copyright 2015-2025 - Benico Enterprises. Liverpool UK