The Rules

Version 3.23 - last changed 12th February 2025
Texts will no longer be used as part of the membership process.

This agreement forms a legally binding agreement between the syndicate manager and all paid members.
The rules may be changed at any time. Major changes may be displayed on the home page and on Facebook.

A.  Membership Registration

    1.  Membership is open to anyone, over the age of 18, preferably resident in the United Kingdom. See below for accepted payment methods.
    2.  Confirmation of Email Address will be required to validate your membership. Memberships will be deemed invalid if this information is not confirmed.
    3.  You will need to register your membership using the Online Service, so that your Name, Date of Birth, Postcode and Mobile Phone Number can be recorded. Benico Enterprises will store your information confidentially off-line, and not release it to any other person without your written consent. Bank Details will be requested on the membership form.

B.  Payments

    1.  Payments can be and amount between £4.33 and £25. Previous payments above £25 will be honoured until the end of membership, or until reduced to £25. Payments are due no later than the 23rd of each calendar month, allowances will be made when this falls on a weekend. Each 1p paid will count as 1 share of any winnings. This payment entitles you to share any prizes won in the draws held in the next month.
    2.  Payments can be made by Bank Transfer, Standing Order or Debit Card.
    3.  Payments may be amended or cancelled at anytime.
Notification of changes is not strictly required but would be appreciated, especially in the event of payments being paused or stopped.
    4.  One email reminder may be sent in the event of missed payments. You will be expected to set up a Standing Order or make Bank Transfer payments on time. Late payments will count as payment for the following month.
    5.  In the event that you miss a payment you will not be eligible for any prizes for that month.
    6.  You will receive a text message each month to confirm receipt of your initial payment, only if requested.
    7.  Important Note: All prizes are paid Tax Free and are not subject to income tax declaration, however, benefits may be affected by winnings.

C.  The Draws

    1.  All funds received will be split evenly over the 4-5 weeks of the following calendar month. Any remaining funds will be used additional lottery draws or online betting, details of which will be published on the home page.
    2.  Funds will primarily be used to bet on UK National Lottery Draws. The actual allocation will depend on total funds received. Tickets will be purchased for up to 4 weeks at a time.

D.  The Betting Options

    1.  UK National Lottery Draws (operated by Camelot until 31 Jan 2024)
Lotto, £2.00 each - Wed & Sat
Lotto HotPicks (1-5 numbers), £1.00 each - Wed & Sat
EuroMillions, £2.50* each - Tue & Fri (*£2.00 prior to Sep 2016)
EuroMillions HotPicks (1-5 numbers), £1.50 each - Tue & Fri (New from 26 Jan 2018)
Set For Life, £1.50 each - Mon & Thur (from 18-Mar-2019)
Thunderball, £1.00 each - Tue*, Wed, Fri & Sat (*Tuesday draws added 30 Jan 2018)
    2. UK National Lottery Draws (operated by Allwyn from 1 Feb 2024)
There are due to be changes to some draws, however these had been postponed due to transition delays.
    3. BetFred Online Betting (included from October 2024)
Daily Millions (1-5 numbers), £1 each (variable stake) - Daily draws or one off monthly draws

E.  Prizes

    1.  All prizes will be calculated at the end of each month, with all members receiving an equal share for every 1p paid. Prizes may be paid out Monthly. Half-Yearly or after it reaches a specific value (£25 or £50). You may leave prizes to accumulate and then withdraw them in time for Christmas, Birthdays or Holidays. Please allow up to 14 days for prizes to be paid out to allow for my own holidays, message collection, or other unforeseen eventualities - however where possible payments will be made within 24 hours of requests.
    2.  The minimum monthly payment will be £1.00. Smaller amounts will be rolled over.
    3.  If the event of large wins, these may be paid out early if you have selected half-yearly payments.
    4.  All prizes will be paid via Bank Transfer.
    5.  Prizes will only be shared between those that have made payments for that month. NO exceptions will be made for anyone that has missed payments for that month.
    6.  It is the responsibility of the members to ensure that they have provided the correct bank details.
    7.  Set For Life Prizes will be paid directly to the syndicate operator, who will then pay syndicate members their respective share by standing order, monthly, for the appropriate term.
     8.  Loyalty Bonus - In the event of wins in excess of £100,000 then any losses accrued by active members may be paid from winnings before the remaining funds are shared out. This will not apply to any lapsed memberships.

E.7. Set For Life

If payments are due for 30 years then a financial advisor or solicitor may be used to ensure fairness and protection and provision for next of kin if members die during this period. Costs for this will be deducted from the winnings. In the event of the death of the syndicate operator their estate will receive all remaining due monies and the estate will distribute fund appropriately, without any deduction.
(Set For Life Draws 18-May-2019 to May-2020, 18-May 2021 to 31-Mar-2022, Jul-2023 to Aug-23)
There are no plans to re-introduce Set For Life draws to the syndicate due to the potential complications.

E.8. Loyalty Bonus

This Value was approximately £5,540 at the end of September 2024 and is capped at 10% of the prize won.
Bonus Payment Deduction is only due to be paid out in the event of the following prizes, so not to have an unfair effect on smaller prize payments.

Thunderball: Match 5 + Thunderball = £500,000
EuroMillions: Match 5 + 1 Lucky Star = £130,000 (approx)
EuroMillions: Match 5 + 2 Lucky Stars = £10 million (approx)
EuroMillions: Raffle = £1 million
Lotto: Match 5 + Bonus Ball = £1 million (variable)
Lotto: Match 6 = £2 million (variable)

F.  Lucky Dip Prize Ticket Winnings

    1.  Winnings from all Prize Lucky Dip tickets will count as prizes for the original draw ticket. This makes it fairer should there be any membership changes, so that the previous membership does not miss out if new members then join, being counted as an extension of the original prize.
    2.  Prizes won from additional Lucky Dip prizes will count as prizes for the original draw.
    3.  Details of Lucky Dip Prize wins and ticket entries will not be included on the website or social media due to the lack of a cash value.

G.  Draw Booster (added April 2022 - revised August 2024)

    1.  £10 from prizes of at least £100 will be used as for Lucky Dip Lotto and EuroMillions HotPicks2 entries for the next available draw.
           (Previously only applied to some HotPicks2 and HotPicks3 entries)
    2.  All prizes will be counted as being won with the original draw ticket. If another Draw Booster prize is triggered by these entries then those winnings will also be counted back to the original draw ticket.

H.  Inactive Memberships

    1.  In the event of payments not being made for 3 months, without communication regarding a pause period, the remaining prize fund will be paid by Bank Transfer to the member, irrespective of the agreed prize payment terms.
    2.  Inactive memberships may be restarted at any time, within 12 months.
    3.  Accounts will be considered as closed after 12 months of non-payment, at which time Bank and Contact details will be deleted.

I.  Administration Charges and Costs

    1.  All funds received will be used for Lottery Betting. There will not be any deductions from payments for administration.
    2.  There are no additional charges for administration. Payments are for draw purchases only.
    3.  Interest may be earned on funds held awaiting payment and on prize draw funds, and taken as admin fees.
    4.  Small remaining prize funds afters prizes have been shared equally will be taken as admin fees. Such amounts are just a few pence that cannot be divided equally between all the member shares. Approx 3p per month.
    5.  The Website & Software Costs incurred by the UK Lottery Syndicate will be covered by Benico Enterprises.
    6.  Fees charged by card payment companies will be covered by Benico Enterprises.
It is possible that at least £1 per month will be deducted from the Prize Fund, before sharing prizes, to cover costs in part or in full.
Such change will require at least 1 month notice on the website and via the Facebook Group.

J.  Data Protection & Cookies

    1.  In accordance with Data Protection no personal information will be forwarded to any other person or organisation. The information will be used only to confirm identity and make prize payments.
    2.  Electoral Roll checks may be made to confirm identity, for members that I do not know personally. No personal information will be published or stored online. The only information stored will be your name, contact details, bank sort code and account number, in order to make payments of winnings.
    3.  Information may be stored on a third party cloud storage service.
    4.  You may request a copy of the information held about you at any time. This information will be provided free by email, or by post for £3.00.
    5.  No personal information is retained by Benico Enterprises, other than that you personally provide when being provided with a service.
    6.  Cookies may be collected by Google & eUKHost for statistical purposes only

K.  When and How you will be contacted

    1.  You will be contacted by email to confirm online registration application.
    2.  Texts will be sent confirming winnings payments, only if requested, and may be stopped at any time.
    3.  In the event of large winnings you may be sent an email, Facebook Message, text or WhatsApp message.
    4.  In the event that your membership is due to lapse, or to remind you of missed payments, then you may be contacted by email or Facebook.
    5.  You will not be contacted about changes to entries or rule changes as this will be made public on this website.
    6.  There will be no telephone voice contact at any time.
    7.  Postal addresses will only be used to check the Electoral Roll.
    8.  You will only be written to in the event of a Set for Life Jackpot win, in the event that a Solicitor or Trust is used to administer funds. You will not be written to for any other reason.
    9.   Card Payment Link reminders may be sent via email or text link.
  10.   Changes to Membership Bank Account Details

Summary of contact

Email/Facebook - registration, payment reminders and large wins (e.g. £5,000 or more)
Late payment reminders may be sent but non-payment will just be considered as no membership for that month.
Confirmation of initial payment, if requested. Changes to Membership Bank Details
Text/WhatsApp - large wins (e.g. £5,000 or more) and other request communications
Phone Calls - none
Post - none (Set For Life 30 year payments only)

L.  The Agreement

    1.  The Benico Enterprises Lottery Syndicate is administered by Roy Benham, aka Beth Nicole Gordon, who will make every effort to ensure payments are allocated on time. In the event of any problems placing bets then alternative draws may be used.
    2.  The National Lottery Online Account is recorded as being used by a syndicate.
    3.  Membership confirms a legal right for all paid members to receive shares of winnings from the syndicate manager, as detailed above.

Primary Draw Allocation Changes

Changes made to reduce costs due to lower receipts.
Change: Lotto entries reduced to 5 from 6 - saving up to £28 a month
HotPicks replaced with 1 multi entry Bet Fred draw - saving up to £15 a month
Thunderball replaced with 1 multi entry draw on the 1st Saturday - saving up to £3 a month
Membership decreased by £10 (9 members)(-1)

Membership decreased by £25 (10 members)(-1)
No changes this month due to lower number of draws

Change: Lotto entries increased to 6 from 5. Lotto HotPicks changed to HotPicks 3 and increased to 2 entries.
Membership increased by £25 (11 members)(+1)

Change: Lotto entries reduced to 5 from 8. Euro HotPicks2 reduced back to 2 from 4. Lotto HotPicks2 reduced back to 1 from 2.
Membership decreased by £90 (10 members)(-2)

Change: Euro HotPicks2 increased from 2 to 4. Lotto HotPicks2 increased from 1 to 2.
Membership increased by £40 (12 members)(+1)

Changes: Thunderball re-introduced, Euro HotPicks2 reduced from 4 to 2. Lotto HotPicks2 1 entry added. Lotto 3 additional entries (now 8)
Membership increased by £50. (11 members)(+1)

Membership dropped by 1 but no changes required. (10 members)(-1)

Temporary addition of EuroMillions HotPicks 3 number due to lower number of draws. 17 draw dates instead of 18.
Normal draws resume from December

Changes: Lotto 1 entry added (now 5), EuroMillions HotPicks increased to 4/5 entries. Set For Life & Thunderball removed.
Membership increased by £10. (11 members)(+1)

Changes: French & New York entries removed due to administration issues - 1 Set For Life entry added to all draws

Changes: EuroMillions HotPicks 4th entry removed. French & New York entries added
Changes to subscriptions. 1 member cancelled and 1 new member added

Changes: Lotto 4th entry re-added
Membership increased by £20 (10 members)(+1)

Changes: Lotto: 4th entry removed - Thunderball: re-introduced

December - £33 per week
EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, HotPicks 4 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 4 x Wed & Sat,
Changes: added 1 Lotto entry for each draw
Membership increased by £20 (9 members)(+1)

November - £29 per week
EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, HotPicks 4 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 3 x Wed & Sat,
Changes: removed Lotto HotPicks and Thunderball draws - added additional Euro HotPicks and Lotto draws
Owner Subs increased by approx £4

July - £27 per week
EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, HotPicks 2 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 2 x Wed & Sat, HotPicks 2 x Wed & Sat, Thunderball 1 x Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat
Changes: removed 2 Lotto draws
Owner Subs decreased by approx £30

June - £35 per week
EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, HotPicks 2 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 4 x Wed & Sat, HotPicks 2 x Wed & Sat, Thunderball 1 x Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat
Changes: removed 1 Lotto draw, re-added Thunderball Tue & Fri draws
Owner Subs increased by approx £5 and now a fixed monthly value

May - £37 per week
EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, HotPicks 2 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 5 x Wed & Sat, HotPicks 2 x Wed & Sat, Thunderball 1 x Wed & Sat
Changes: added 1 Euro HotPicks, added 1 Lotto draw, added 1 Lotto HotPicks draw, removed Thunderball Tue & Fri draws
Membership increased by £41 - Owner Subs decreased by approx £15 (8 members) (+1)

April - £28 per week
EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, HotPicks 1 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 4 x Wed & Sat, HotPicks 1 x Wed & Sat, Thunderball 1 x Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat
Changes: removed Set for Life, added 2 Lotto draws, removed 1 Lotto HotPicks draw
Owners Subs decreased by approx £10

January - £30 per week
Set For Life 1 x Mon & Thur, EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, HotPicks 1 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 2 x Wed & Sat, HotPicks 2 x Wed & Sat, Thunderball 1 x Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat
Changes: added Euro & Lotto HotPicks draws, added Thunderball draws
Owner Subs increased by approx £70

October - £13 per week
Set For Life 1 x Mon & Thur, EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 1 x Wed & Sat
Changes: removed Euro & Lotto HotPicks draws, removed Thunderball draws
Owner Subs decreased by approx £40

June - £21 per week
Set For Life 1 x Mon & Thur, EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, HotPicks 1 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 1 x Wed & Sat, HotPicks 1 x Wed & Sat, Thunderball 1 x Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat
Changes: re-added Set for Life draws, added Euro HotPicks draws
Membership increased by £5 - Owner Subs increased by approx £15

May - Membership increased by £5 (7 members) (+1)

November - £17 per week
EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 1 x Wed & Sat, HotPicks 1 x Wed & Sat, Thunderball 1 x Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat
Changes: added Lotto HotPicks draws

June - £14 per week
EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 1 x Wed & Sat, Thunderball 1 x Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat
Changes: removed Set for Life draws, re-added Thunderball draws

April - £14 per week
Set For Life 1 x Mon & Thur, EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 1 x Wed & Sat, Thunderball 1 x Tue & Fri
Changes: Thunderball draws changed
Membership changes but no change in subscriptions

April 2019 - £13 per week
Set For Life 1 x Mon & Thur, EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 1 x Wed & Sat, Thunderball 1 x Sat
Changes: added Set for Life draws, removed Lotto HotPicks draws, reduced Thunderball draws

January 2019 - Membership reduced by £5 (6 members) (-1)

November 2018 - £13 per week
EuroMillions 1 x Tue & Fri, Lotto 1 x Wed & Sat, HotPicks 1 x Wed & Sat, Thunderball 1 x Fri & Sat
Changes: removed Euro HotPicks draws, added Lotto HotPicks Draws
Membership reduced by £5 - Owner Subs approx £25 (7 members) (-1)

Allocations varied regularly prior to this

August 2018 - 8 members (-1)
June 2018 - 9 members (+1)
April 2018 - 8 members (+1)
March 2018 - 7 members (+1)
July 2017 - 6 members (-1)
May 2017 - 7 members (+1)
February 2017 - 6 members (-2)
January 2017 - 8 members (+1)
December 2016 - 7 members (-2)
September 2016 - 9 members (-1)
April 2016 - syndicate paused for 1 month as it was relaunched
March 2016 - 10 members (-5/-10)

Rule Changes

(3.24) 12th February - (A2)(K1) Texts are no longer included in the membership procedure (K2 removed)
(3.23) 24th July - (G1) changes to Draw Booster. Now applies to all prizes of at least £100, effective from 1st August
(3.22) 3rd May - (A2) registration validation added (B1) accepted payments changed to £4.33, £5, £10, £15 or £20 (E8) Loyalty Prize Bonus Added

(3.21) 1st Dec - Debit Card Payments added to B2 & I6
(3.20) 5th May - PayPal removed from A1, B2, E2, E4 & H1
(3.19) 9th Apr - (E) Minimum monthly payment for PayPal is £1.50 due to potential of fees charged by PayPal
(3.18) 18th Jan - [H] Lapsed Membership section changed to Inactive Membership and now includes account closures.

(3.17) 9th Jul - In the event of a Lotto "must be won" cascade draw and addition £10 may be added by the management for 10 additional draw tickets. This payment will be allowed past the usual payment deadline.
(3.16) 17th Jun - PayPal Subscription option re-added. (removed 5th May 2023 v3.20)
(3.15a) 14th Jun - Minor updates relating to other betting
(3.15) 6th May - 1 email may be sent to remind members of missed payments. Confirmation that missed payments count as pausing membership and exclude the members from taking any share of any winnings. Added to protect against legal claims.
(3.14a) 9th April - Clarification that prizes from all Lucky Dip tickets will count as prizes for the original draw
(3.14) 7th Apr - Up to 20% of HotPicks2 and 5% of HotPicks3 number draw prizes may be used as entries for the next available HotPicks & Lotto draws
(3.13a) 16th Mar - Minimum monthly payment reduced to £4.33 - equivalent of £1.00 per week
(3.13) 2nd Mar - Addition of when you will be contacted section
(3.12c) 27th Feb - Annual payout option removed, in favour of half yearly and monthly options
(3.12b) 16th Feb - Debit Card payment method removed (re-added with new provider 1st December 2023 v3.21)
(3.12a) 1st Feb - Set minimum monthly prize pay outs to £1.00

(3.12) 31st Dec - Maximum membership limit increased to £100 to allow increased management subsidies
(3.11) 18th May - Set for Life section restored. Inactive membership rule simplified and reduced to 3 months.
(3.10) 10th Jan - Minimum age increased to 18, in accordance with government changes.

(3.09) 10th May - Removal of Set For Life draws. (re-added 18th May 2021 v3.11)
Raffle ended. Small remaining prizes will be used as administration payments.

(3.08) 2nd June - Memberships will be considered as inactive after 6 months of non-payments, or earlier if requested verbally or in writing.
later reduced to 3 months (3.11)
(3.07) 28th April - removal of PayM and PayPal payment options. Change of use of unallocated prize funds.
(3.06) 7th March - Addition of Set For Life Draw information

(3.05) 27th October - Removal of Revolut payments
(3.04) 5th January - General review and minor update of rules. Change to use of prize funds for lapsed members.

no changes to rules

(3.03) 14th May - Payment limit increased to £50
(3.02) 22nd March - Prize Fund expiry added to prizes section. Small fund rules updated.
(3.01) 20th March - Addition of Monthly Raffle.
(3.00) 26th February - General update of rules - change of syndicate name.

(2.01) 15th November - Clarification of Administration Charges. Rules layout improved. Addition of mid week lottery draws.
(2.00) 30th October - Rules re-written. Changes to all sections.
(1.00) August - Launch of Lottery Syndicate with draws starting in September.

Prior to this the syndicate operated as a Bonus Ball only syndicate.


The Benico Enterprises UK Lottery Syndicate is a private syndicate operated by Roy Benham (My Legal Name) aka Beth Nicole Gordon (my preferred public name) and has no links with any other organisation.

Data Protection & Cookies

In accordance with Data Protection no personal information will be forwarded to any other person or organisation. The information will be used only to confirm identity and make prize payments.
Cookies are only used for site visit statistics.

How I contact you

Email (Facebook) & Text (WhatsApp):
Registration and Large Wins.
Late payment reminders will not be sent. Non-payment will just be considered as no membership for that month.
Confirmation of initial payment, if requested.
Changes to Membership Bank Details.
Phone Calls & Post: Will not be used for contact

The Office Connection -
UK Lottery Syndicate by Benico Enterprises
© Copyright 2015-2025 - Benico Enterprises. Liverpool UK